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Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.5 p.m.
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Steel Fabrication Using State-of-the-Art Equipment

Take advantage of the top-of-the-line equipment we use at UNION STEEL of TEXAS. In our shop, we have a shear with a 1" cutting capability and a brake that has the bending capability of 1/2". In addition, we have a CNC plasma machine that has a 2" thickness cutting capability. We also have a drill press and a hem saw. These machines are used to perform all of our steel fabrication services, so you can be assured that we can manufacture whatever you need for your project. Visit us in Odessa, Texas, to request a service or pick up a part — we guarantee to complete your order correctly, on time, and within budget.

Green Steel Fabrication Equipment Yellow Steel Fabrication Equipment Steel Fabrication Shop Interior